Tristars Conwy Junior Triathlon Club Welsh Triathlon Club of the Year 2016
Tristars Conwy Junior Triathlon ClubWelsh Triathlon Club of the Year 2016

Results 2016

Mud and Mayhem Duathlon Results
Tristars Conwy Mud and Mayhem Duathlon R[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [79.7 KB]

Results 2015

Tristars Conwy 2015 Tristars Triathlon Results
Novice Triathlon Results
Tristars Conwy Triathlon Tristars 2015 R[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [38.5 KB]
Tristars Conwy 2015 Novice Triathlon Results
Novice Triathlon Results
Tristars Conwy Novice Triathlon 2015 Res[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [12.5 KB]
Tristars Conwy 2015 Aquathlon Results
junior aquathlon results.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [33.4 KB]




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Our Events

UPDATE - We have had to make several date changes. Please go here for more full details.

Want to join us?

If you'd like to become a member, please go to our membership page, or download our application form.

Contact us

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Tel: +44 7889 058102

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© Tristars Conwy Junior Tri Club 2015